Biomass to Energy

Biomass to Energy Brochure Ver 2

Furnace 2

Modular design achieving 6.1 MW with biomass feedstocks from 30% to 54% moisture content.
Electrical power generation up to 2 MWe.
Steam production of up to 30 bar and 480 deg. 
Flue gas outlet temperature of 1025 deg C using 54% moisture content fuel.
Fully automated control system enabling unmanned operation.
Flue gas recirculation for precise control of super-heat temperature.
Flue gas oxygen level control to maximise efficiency.
Automatic grate fuel level adjustment for consistent gasification.
Pre-drying zone for high moisture content fuels.
Fuel strorage and indeed system capable of handling random, unscreened material.
Typical fuel feed rate for wood is 7 - 10 tonnes per hour at a bulk density of 350 kg/m3
Various emission control systems available, depending on fuel type, to achieve WID 
Insulated and refectory lined fired biomass step grate, combustion plant providing 1025 deg C flue gas to a 6.5 tonne cassette water tube super-heater Free standing smoke tube boiler and economiser supplying 29 barA 480 deg C steam to a 1.3 MWe condensing steam turbine.
Dedicated emission control systems to meet WID and other regulations are tailor designed depending on the client’s fuel type.

Crowley Engineering designed and developed the plant as a scalable modular gasifier CHP for small and medium sized enterprises for the home and international markets. The system is specifically designed to meet the combined challenges faced by financing, fuelling and operation when considering power generation from biomass or other waste streams.

Plants installed are Ireland and Lebanon.

Dynameau Ltd is registered in England and Wales as a Limited Company No.08432389      Site Updated 9th Sept 2024